elastic bands and razor blades litter the floor

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


needs to watch this

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

what cool dvd packaging

Friday, August 03, 2007

damn that is amazing (just seriously)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday, May 31, 2007


i hope this is a thing that deeply influences how summers are spent

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


more when amazon hurries up with it's free shipping (alot more)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

burn in hell

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

limited to my attention span

ego trip the light fantastic says: yo naomi you ever wonder if you could kill somebody
Naomi-- says: sometimes
Naomi-- says: depends on the context
ego trip the light fantastic says: like watching a show about serial killers and going "wonder if i could kill a person"
ego trip the light fantastic says: cold blooded
ego trip the light fantastic says: pow
Naomi-- says: I don't know
Naomi-- says: I don't think so
Naomi-- says: maybe if i knew they were a terrible person
ego trip the light fantastic says: woudl it be easier if you were a thousand miles away killing somebody
ego trip the light fantastic says: i think it would be funny to put people in an experiment where scientists tell them to push a button that says "somebody will die if you press this button" on it
Naomi-- says: a lot of people would push it i think

ego trip the light fantastic says: hey eric do you think you could kill somebody
eric says: yeah
eric says: maybe not in some ways though
eric says: like i couldnt stab someone to death
eric says: but a shot in the head or something i think i could
eric says: or like suffocate
ego trip the light fantastic says: could you drown a person maybe?
ego trip the light fantastic says: like cement shoes
eric says: prolly

ego trip the light fantastic says: hey mitch do you think you could kill somebody
mitch XI, I says: depends who?
mitch XI, I says: haha
ego trip the light fantastic says: well who would it have to be?
mitch XI, I says: not sure
mitch XI, I says: haha
mitch XI, I says: why do you ask
ego trip the light fantastic says: i don't even know
ego trip the light fantastic says: man what if you could go back in time and kill hitler
ego trip the light fantastic says: would you kill hitler?
mitch XI, I says: probably not
mitch XI, I says: because you never know what thatd change now
mitch XI, I says: like..we wouldnt be born
mitch XI, I says: because theres be no ww2
ego trip the light fantastic says: oh damn
mitch XI, I says: and no baby boom
ego trip the light fantastic says: i've never even thought of that angle
mitch XI, I says: lol yup
mitch XI, I says: unless of course i was killing hitler in 1944
ego trip the light fantastic says: just popping up in his bunker
ego trip the light fantastic says: no one would ever know
mitch XI, I says: hahha
mitch XI, I says: "stab!"
ego trip the light fantastic says: it would go down in legend that hitler killed himself by stabbing his own ass
mitch XI, I says: ahhaha
mitch XI, I says: and i would laugh fro eternity

ego trip the light fantastic says: hey aj do you think you could kill somebody
A.J.- says: Physically capable, for sure, mentally capable not so much.
A.J.- says: Why do you ask? Someone in mind?
ego trip the light fantastic says: haha no, well maybe like uh
ego trip the light fantastic says: who does deserve to die i wonder
A.J.- says: Ha ha, I can't think of any.
A.J.- says: Only the people who'd cause more deaths if they were allowed to live I suppose, and we can never be sure who that is.
ego trip the light fantastic says: unless you had a time machine
ego trip the light fantastic says: also: people in constant agony i'd probably do in
ego trip the light fantastic says: not mental angony though they're just pussies
A.J.- says: Oh yeah, true true.
A.J.- says: All the more reason to do mental agony.
A.J.- says: Kidding, kidding.
A.J.- says: But yeah, euthanasia's good.
A.J.- says: I'll kill someone if it means keeping them from killing me or someone I know, but I REALLY doubt I'll ever have to.
ego trip the light fantastic says: unless we get the draft or some shit!!
ego trip the light fantastic says: even then i'd hide and never fire my gun
A.J.- says: Ha ha! Yeah.
A.J.- says: I couldn't do well in the army. I'd try to stay alive and win.
A.J.- says: I couldn't be one of the run into a bunch of gunfire because someone told you to guys.

ego trip the light fantastic says: hey jamie do you think you could kill someone
j says: no probably not
ego trip the light fantastic says: in any situation?
j says: well i mean
j says: if they were like gonna kill me or something
j says: well no
j says: i dunn
j says: o
ego trip the light fantastic says: i'm not sure if i could either
j says: killing is pretty big business
ego trip the light fantastic says: it's the biggest business

Thursday, April 05, 2007