elastic bands and razor blades litter the floor

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


needs to watch this


She said...

A spoken word acoustic-accompanied tour of punk rock history.


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

I have the solution to thy wakin-off problem, dude, as I have THE, SAME, EXACT, PROBLEM. Git some sexy pix from the internet, conformTHYporn (meaning, take-out all the pix which don't show enough), then, say 'Jesus, help me.' - as we cannot do it alone. You'll slowly but surely git off doing the five-finger-hand-job. Cool? Porn's one of the BIGGEST whorizontal (notice the W) upheaval's caused by the Liar. See ya soon in Heaven, dude. Be at peace. God bless you.