ego trip the light fantastic says: yo naomi you ever wonder if you could kill somebody
Naomi-- says: sometimes
Naomi-- says: depends on the context
ego trip the light fantastic says: like watching a show about serial killers and going "wonder if i could kill a person"
ego trip the light fantastic says: cold blooded
ego trip the light fantastic says: pow
Naomi-- says: I don't know
Naomi-- says: I don't think so
Naomi-- says: maybe if i knew they were a terrible person
ego trip the light fantastic says: woudl it be easier if you were a thousand miles away killing somebody
ego trip the light fantastic says: i think it would be funny to put people in an experiment where scientists tell them to push a button that says "somebody will die if you press this button" on it
Naomi-- says: a lot of people would push it i think
ego trip the light fantastic says: hey eric do you think you could kill somebody
eric says: yeah
eric says: maybe not in some ways though
eric says: like i couldnt stab someone to death
eric says: but a shot in the head or something i think i could
eric says: or like suffocate
ego trip the light fantastic says: could you drown a person maybe?
ego trip the light fantastic says: like cement shoes
eric says: prolly
ego trip the light fantastic says: hey mitch do you think you could kill somebody
mitch XI, I says: depends who?
mitch XI, I says: haha
ego trip the light fantastic says: well who would it have to be?
mitch XI, I says: not sure
mitch XI, I says: haha
mitch XI, I says: why do you ask
ego trip the light fantastic says: i don't even know
ego trip the light fantastic says: man what if you could go back in time and kill hitler
ego trip the light fantastic says: would you kill hitler?
mitch XI, I says: probably not
mitch XI, I says: because you never know what thatd change now
mitch XI, I says: like..we wouldnt be born
mitch XI, I says: because theres be no ww2
ego trip the light fantastic says: oh damn
mitch XI, I says: and no baby boom
ego trip the light fantastic says: i've never even thought of that angle
mitch XI, I says: lol yup
mitch XI, I says: unless of course i was killing hitler in 1944
ego trip the light fantastic says: just popping up in his bunker
ego trip the light fantastic says: no one would ever know
mitch XI, I says: hahha
mitch XI, I says: "stab!"
ego trip the light fantastic says: it would go down in legend that hitler killed himself by stabbing his own ass
mitch XI, I says: ahhaha
mitch XI, I says: and i would laugh fro eternity
ego trip the light fantastic says: hey aj do you think you could kill somebody
A.J.- says: Physically capable, for sure, mentally capable not so much.
A.J.- says: Why do you ask? Someone in mind?
ego trip the light fantastic says: haha no, well maybe like uh
ego trip the light fantastic says: who does deserve to die i wonder
A.J.- says: Ha ha, I can't think of any.
A.J.- says: Only the people who'd cause more deaths if they were allowed to live I suppose, and we can never be sure who that is.
ego trip the light fantastic says: unless you had a time machine
ego trip the light fantastic says: also: people in constant agony i'd probably do in
ego trip the light fantastic says: not mental angony though they're just pussies
A.J.- says: Oh yeah, true true.
A.J.- says: All the more reason to do mental agony.
A.J.- says: Kidding, kidding.
A.J.- says: But yeah, euthanasia's good.
A.J.- says: I'll kill someone if it means keeping them from killing me or someone I know, but I REALLY doubt I'll ever have to.
ego trip the light fantastic says: unless we get the draft or some shit!!
ego trip the light fantastic says: even then i'd hide and never fire my gun
A.J.- says: Ha ha! Yeah.
A.J.- says: I couldn't do well in the army. I'd try to stay alive and win.
A.J.- says: I couldn't be one of the run into a bunch of gunfire because someone told you to guys.
ego trip the light fantastic says: hey jamie do you think you could kill someone
j says: no probably not
ego trip the light fantastic says: in any situation?
j says: well i mean
j says: if they were like gonna kill me or something
j says: well no
j says: i dunn
j says: o
ego trip the light fantastic says: i'm not sure if i could either
j says: killing is pretty big business
ego trip the light fantastic says: it's the biggest business
elastic bands and razor blades litter the floor
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